The Stapled Magnolias Series

Praise for Lady Luck
Wow. One of the best debut novels I have ever read, I would even go as far as to say this is in my top 5 favorite books of all time. Beautifullly written slow burn romance that will have you giggling and kicking your feet the entire time. The relationship between the FMC and MMC is so comforting and beautiful. They were extremely relatable as characters and I enjoyed every minute of this.
— Jade H.
Praise for Missed Sunrise
I have to write this while I cry because I swear, I was NOT prepared for how sweet Cody and Liem would be. I KNEW they’d be perfect, but this is a whole different level.
I couldn’t put it down. I tried to savor it, but savoring a Lane O’Neil novel is not easy. You’re drawn into the setting and the characters. They feel like your family by the time you’re finished, and you immediately want to pick back up from the beginning just to experience the read again.
— Maddie E.